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Radar IQ Systems Adopted by Numerous Sites Worldwide

Since the introduction of the Radar IQ system last year, we have delivered more than 30 sets of this innovative technology to customers worldwide. It is used to detect any land or airborne threats, including all types of UAVs, far beyond the protected perimeter.

Radar IQ is an AI-powered radar sensor that combines radar technologies with video analytics. Here's how it works: Radar IQ locates targets using radar, then captures them via video surveillance. It recognizes and prioritizes threats according to their level of danger and tracks their trajectory using a smart controller.

Currently, Radar IQ advanced perimeter security equipment is employed in various regions, including Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Its reliability allowed the system to be used in protecting government buildings, hydroelectric power plants, industrial plants, large development projects, tourist areas, and hotels from potential terrorist threats.

While we can't disclose a complete list of specific facilities where Radar IQ systems are operational due to security reasons, we can't overlook one truly unique project: the grand construction site of Egypt's New Administrative Capital, designed for 6.5 million inhabitants. The city, located in a desert area 20 kilometers east of the densely populated Cairo, is halfway to the seaport of Suez, the origin of the Suez CanalRadar IQ has already demonstrated its reliability at this site, withstanding the sandstorms and extreme temperature variations typical of the local desert climate.

We've received positive feedback about Radar IQ from across the globe. The device's ability to protect not just the physical boundaries, but also the virtually demarcated perimeter of the object, is particularly noted. The users also appreciated the minimal maintenance required by the device, which has no rotating parts or active cooling.

It's noteworthy that the primary customers for Radar IQ are not individual organizations but system integrators specializing in designing comprehensive security solutions. Radar IQ's superior functionality and ease of integration into any security system, whether new or existing, makes it stand out among the competition.

This feature allows system integrators to incorporate modern, highly effective Radar IQ into their projects right from the start, irrespective of the type of facility or operational conditions.

13.06.2023 08:11